Martes, Pebrero 25, 2014

Lake Lanao

Background Information of Lake Lanao

Lake Lanao in Lanao del Sur is one of 17 ancient lakes in the world and the second largest freshwater lake in the country. It is a reservoir for the Agus hydroelectric power plants which generates 55-65% of Mindanao’s power. The lake’s only outlet is Agus River which drains into Iligan Bay. Lake Lanao is also a major source of food and livelihood and serves as a transport highway and venue for religious and cultural activities of communities living in the area. Lake Lanao was proclaimed as a watershed reservation in 1992 through Presidential Proclamation 971 to ensure protection of forest cover and water yield for hydropower, irrigation and domestic use. The watershed occupies an area of 153,008 hectares and is home to a rich variety of flora and fauna, including 18 cyprinid species that are endemic to the lake lanao
Lake  Lanao  is  the   largest  and  deepest  freshwater  lake  in  the  country  covering  an  area   of     35,250  hectares with maximum  depth  of  112  meters. It is a large, oligotrophic lake formed by tectonic volcanic damming of a basin between two mountain ranges and the collapse of a large volcano (Mallari and Tabaranza, 2003). The Lake is the home to about 18 endemic fish species, 14 of which are almost extinct. It drains to Iligan Bay, some 37 kilometers from Marawi City, through its only outlet, the Agus River. 

Lake Lanao's Characteristics (photo: Rosagaron, Roman P. "Lake Lanao: Its Past and Present Status." (2001): 29-39. Print.)

Location and Map of Lake Lanao

History of Lake Lanao

A Maranao myth describes the formation of the lake. It is said that a group of angels under the command of Gabriel removed the vast population of Mantapoli to prevent the world from tipping over. The hole that was left was filled with water and threatened to drown the rest of the world. In response, the angels enlisted the help of the Four Winds to gouge out an outlet. The hole became Lake Lanao and the outlet became the Agus river. A Meranaw is a spoken or language of Maranao people.

Lake Lanao and its Benefits

The lake supports a major fishery, and is important for recreational activities including boating, swimming and sport fishing. The Lanao Lake and Agus River system generates 70% of the electricity used by the people of Mindanao.


Lunes, Enero 13, 2014

Our Zero Waste Christmas Part (5ECE-B)

Last Tuesday, January 7, 2014, we had our Chistmas party for our environmental engineering course. Before our Christmas party begin we discussed first what we need to do to achieve our objective zero waste management. First is we assigned different things to do for everyone to contribute for our party. Me and my five other classmates was assigned to bring adobo/lechon manok for our Christmas party. Some were also asked to bring rice, salted egg, juice and some desserts like kutsinta etc... We also brought our own glass from our houses for the drinks instead of the usual plastic cups that are brought in most parties. The second thing we do is where our food should be placed so we think if we put them on into banana leaves because we also wanted to have a boodle fight. This Christmas party was not ordinary for me because it's my first time to experience a boodle fight with my classmates and other students from 3rd year ECE and also the fact that we tried to minimized/avoid the waste as much as we can. For me , it was fun and feeling overwhelmed because we achieved our goal in this Christmas party.

Lunes, Disyembre 2, 2013

Abstract(Waste Management)

Based on the movie "11th Hour" me and my groupmates formed an idea that lead us to come up the words Waste Management. First what is waste management? Is the collection, transport, processing or disposal, managing and monitoring of waste materials. The term usually relates to materials produced by human activity and the process is generally undertaken to reduce their effect on health, the environment or aesthetics. Waste management is a distinct practice from resource recovery which focuses on delaying the rate of consumption of natural resources. All waste materials, whether they are solid, liquid, gaseous or radioactive fall within the remit of waste management.
Effects of poor waste management
-Surface Water Contamination
-Soil Contamination
Im just wondering what will happen to our environment if we do not take an action and ignored it? What will happen to us? Do you think you can survive if your environment are polluted. So we need to take an action too it before its to late.  

Lunes, Nobyembre 11, 2013


The concept of sustainability centers on a balance of society, economy and environment for current and future health. Responsible resource management in all three areas ensures that future generation will have the resources they need to survive and thrive.
How can you as a student contribute to sustainability?

As a student, before I made a choice I need to know the causes and effects for the decision that I will choose and also the possibilities that may lead to a failure decision making. I also need to discipline myself and be responsible student to be a good role model for the others.