Lunes, Nobyembre 11, 2013


The concept of sustainability centers on a balance of society, economy and environment for current and future health. Responsible resource management in all three areas ensures that future generation will have the resources they need to survive and thrive.
How can you as a student contribute to sustainability?

As a student, before I made a choice I need to know the causes and effects for the decision that I will choose and also the possibilities that may lead to a failure decision making. I also need to discipline myself and be responsible student to be a good role model for the others.                               


1 komento:

  1. Whoa! nice blog post about sustainability! I know about what is sustainability and I know that sustainability has different meaning to different people, but by reading your blog post about sustainability I gain a better knowledge about it now!. Thanks for this nice and helpful information. Keep Blogging!! :D
